Hishammuddin for US President?
Just read an interview with Hishammuddin Tun Hussein in Utusan prior to the 56th UMNO General Assembly. Throughout his interview, his mention of the US President interests:
To me, it just shows how shallow is the thinking of our current Education Minister is and also shows hypocrisy is much alive and kicking in UMNO Youth or UMNO as general. In his statement, he accused US democracy is tainted with similar money politics problems as in UMNO. Furthermore, he accused the US President as a puppet controlled by the rich and powerful.
Before Hishammuddin start making baseless accusations, I would recommend him to read more on the Presidential system in the US. First of all, the US President is indirectly elected by the U.S. Electoral College made up of electors chosen by voters in the presidential election. If we look at our country, the Prime Minister is appointed by the political party who won the majority in the General Elections. Further more, is Hishammuddin accusing all Americans of using Bush as a puppet?
Apart from this, does Hishammuddin know what it takes to be the US President? Can he even imagine what it takes to lead the most powerful country and the biggest economy in the World? If Bush is really the laughing stock of the world, why did leaders from all over the world pay so much attention to what he has to say? If he is really a puppet controlled by some rich and powerful people, what evidence is there to prove it? Why did our government spent so much money in lobbying so that Mahathir can have a meeting with Bush?
Hishammuddin further undermine past US President whose background is acting in Hollywood. He may have a narrow minded view that only politicians can make good leaders, but the rest of the develop world did not buy into his thinking. Politicians rise to who and what they are by various means in our country. Sad to say that many of them buy their way through. Before he criticizes others, I wish to remind him that what he is doing is only shooting himself in the foot because money politics have evidently cultivated within UMNO for God knows how long already. If the top-elected VP are guilty of corruption, I wonder who else are guilty too?
US President deals not only with domestic issues, but international issues as well. I just wonder how much can the Malaysia's PM contribute to global issues such as global warming, North Korea's nuclear crisis, human rights issues etc. Instead of shouting anti-Semitic remarks, what else did our PM contribute to help the Palestinian people in their struggle?
To Hishammudin, do you think you can measure up to the caliber and charisma of Ronald Reagan? Do you think you can make a hard decision of protecting Kuwait during the Iraq invasion like George Bush Sn? Do you think you can handle the criticism that comes from all over the world in any single decision you make?
Come on, all you can do is make empty talk and rhetoric remarks about others. Do stop to think for a while before you belittle other people, or else, our whole nation will if not already become the laughing stock of the world because of your narrow-minded and shallow remarks.
Bagi saya daripada jadi pemimpin AS seperti George W Bush, lebih baik jangan jadi pemimpin, kalau sistem politik kita mengizinkan pelakon Hollywood dan orang seperti George Bush dibenarkan menjadi Presiden AS. Bagi saya lebih baik saya jadi peguam daripada menjadi presiden yang diketawakan dan menjadi bahan ketawa dunia.
Kalau kita halalkan politik wang itu, akhirnya akan melihat keadaan sama seperti di AS kerana hanya yang kaya dan berpengaruh yang ada talian diberi tempat, akhirnya mereka menjadi boneka.
To me, it just shows how shallow is the thinking of our current Education Minister is and also shows hypocrisy is much alive and kicking in UMNO Youth or UMNO as general. In his statement, he accused US democracy is tainted with similar money politics problems as in UMNO. Furthermore, he accused the US President as a puppet controlled by the rich and powerful.
Before Hishammuddin start making baseless accusations, I would recommend him to read more on the Presidential system in the US. First of all, the US President is indirectly elected by the U.S. Electoral College made up of electors chosen by voters in the presidential election. If we look at our country, the Prime Minister is appointed by the political party who won the majority in the General Elections. Further more, is Hishammuddin accusing all Americans of using Bush as a puppet?
Apart from this, does Hishammuddin know what it takes to be the US President? Can he even imagine what it takes to lead the most powerful country and the biggest economy in the World? If Bush is really the laughing stock of the world, why did leaders from all over the world pay so much attention to what he has to say? If he is really a puppet controlled by some rich and powerful people, what evidence is there to prove it? Why did our government spent so much money in lobbying so that Mahathir can have a meeting with Bush?
Hishammuddin further undermine past US President whose background is acting in Hollywood. He may have a narrow minded view that only politicians can make good leaders, but the rest of the develop world did not buy into his thinking. Politicians rise to who and what they are by various means in our country. Sad to say that many of them buy their way through. Before he criticizes others, I wish to remind him that what he is doing is only shooting himself in the foot because money politics have evidently cultivated within UMNO for God knows how long already. If the top-elected VP are guilty of corruption, I wonder who else are guilty too?
US President deals not only with domestic issues, but international issues as well. I just wonder how much can the Malaysia's PM contribute to global issues such as global warming, North Korea's nuclear crisis, human rights issues etc. Instead of shouting anti-Semitic remarks, what else did our PM contribute to help the Palestinian people in their struggle?
To Hishammudin, do you think you can measure up to the caliber and charisma of Ronald Reagan? Do you think you can make a hard decision of protecting Kuwait during the Iraq invasion like George Bush Sn? Do you think you can handle the criticism that comes from all over the world in any single decision you make?
Come on, all you can do is make empty talk and rhetoric remarks about others. Do stop to think for a while before you belittle other people, or else, our whole nation will if not already become the laughing stock of the world because of your narrow-minded and shallow remarks.
1 Typical Response:
yeah right. but george bush are the most stupid president ever appoint by us.and our pm never make anti-semitic remaks but the jewish are to paranoid with muslim. us althought never sign a treaty about nuclear.i suggest u make some reading before making some writing.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 13, 2005 4:04:00 PM
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