Heaven is Crowded Now... Soon Hell Will Be!

I first heard the news on radio on my way home. When I tune into BBC, there was already four confirmed explosion that occurred. British Transport Police, Scotland Yard, Home Secretary Charles Clarke, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair and later Tony Blair was seen given their interviews and speech to inform Londoners of the barbaric attacks that has taken place in Central London.
Among those who gave the official announcement and speech, only one of them actually gave the public exactly what they wanted, which refers to steps to be taken by public, things to avoid doing as well as an emergency number will be setup for handling queries on the incident. press however, was only interested in the numbers in particular number of explosions, number of deaths, number of busses blown up etc.
I understand the press and the public has the right and deserve to know what is actually going on. However, they should not pursue in a way that will hamper the safety of the public. After the first few explosions, the police are not certain of any more forthcoming attacks. Hence, they should be allowed to carry on their task in maintaining public security. Busy medical personnel are at every corner trying to save as many as possible. The press however, are always in the way of their work, and always impatient to get their numbers as seen when they keep on pressing on the matter although the police commissioner did not had the information they want.
In time like this, the feeling of anger and hatred will be sown. Terror begets terror. Only cowards and barbaric people are capable of such a horrible act. Performing such attacks in the name of God will only get them a express one-way ticket to hell. These people are not martyrs, these people are not fighting a holy war, as I quote our PM, "such acts as they do not bring solutions to the problems faced".
Heaven might be crowded now with innocent souls, but soon, hell will be filled with cowards and people who justified the killing innocent lives in God's name!
6 Typical Response:
It is a coward & barbaric act indeed but not rooting for the terrorist, did the West really find the reason for the terrorism? Or will they just sweep it under the carpet?
Don't be surprised if you find some of the Western leaders down there in hell with the terrorist for their acts too
Anonymous, at Friday, July 08, 2005 8:50:00 AM
You are right, but you must see that it is not our rights as human to judge other human, not to mention carry out the death sentence on the innocent. If those cowards want a war, at least form an army and fight according to conventional warfare, instead of hiding behind their bombs and killing civilians intentionally. Do you think bombing the citizens of London will achieve any good?
Maybe the true culprits of these actions are the ones who manufacture and sold those weapons of mass destructions!
Egghead, at Friday, July 08, 2005 8:58:00 AM
"If those cowards want a war, at least form an army and fight according to conventional warfare, instead of hiding behind their bombs and killing civilians intentionally"
Of course, US & UK would prefer a conventional war since they have a upper hand there
Come on friend, be real..you think the terrorist have any chance of winning or even making any impact if they fight a conventional war?
Terrorist are not stupid people...if they can think of the brilliant plan of flying planes into buildings
"Do you think bombing the citizens of London will achieve any good?"
Looking at the news around the world and the type of actions taken in London (and other major cities), it seems like the terrorist have achieved their primary objection...to create chaos and fear....
Anonymous, at Friday, July 08, 2005 9:38:00 AM
In a war or even a sports, whoever has the upper hand will not always win, but the odds are higher. I agree those terrorists are not formed by idiots. However, they ought to use their knowledge to solve their problems, instead, such knowledge are used to "create chaos and fear" without achieving anything but destructions to society at large.
For example, let's say I am a brilliant bio-chemical engineer do I have the right to create a weapon and use it on people that I don't like?
Alas, I have a son who just turned one two days ago. Let me ask you this, do you want your future generations to grow up amid chaos and fear?
Egghead, at Friday, July 08, 2005 9:47:00 AM
I also have a son who just turned 1 but the fact is terrorism will continue until a proper and long term solution is found. Just my 2 cent word on it
Anonymous, at Friday, July 08, 2005 1:03:00 PM
Yeap... I am glad that I can agree with you finally :)
Egghead, at Friday, July 08, 2005 1:06:00 PM
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