Meru Bridge is Falling Down

Well, too bad no one bothered to came up with a song for the NKVE-Meru Flyover, else it would have not "fall down" yesterday.
Someone in the government must be going "phew!" when they got to know that all those people who are injured are not Malaysians! Or else, it will cause a huge uproar and difficult to sweep under the carpet.
Two lovebirds were lucky enough not crash into the divider and escaped unhurt. Both are considering legal actions against the construction company though. Apart from that, the incident also caused a 5km traffic jam on both sides of the NKVE.
My sympathy goes towards the Bangladeshi workers who were injured. I wonder did the company bought any insurance for those workers in the first place. Who is going to cover their medical expenses? and most of all, who are going to support them families back home if they are not able to work again due to the injuries suffered? Do they have rights to claim anything?
The NKVE-Meru expressway cost a whopping RM20million per kilometer and it is subcontracted out to an external contractor by SP Setia. I wonder why didn't the name of the subcontractor appear on the news yet? Something's fishy...
I have recently traveled to Klang via NKVE and notice the so-called NKVE-Meru's "segmental girders of a flyover". I didn't knew it was a project that is still on-going as I couldn't see any machinery nearby the site. I first thought it was another abandoned project. I saw the road sign but see no road leading anywhere.
Everyone including the CM of the "developed state", Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA) Deputy Director-General, SP Setia Berhad director and Works Minister has requested report from a lot people (is akin to saying spending more money for something that might or might not benefits the victims at hand).
With MRR2 fiasco which is still left unresolved (and it is still open to public usage), I wonder anyone would still willing to pay in order to use some expressway which may end us up as collateral damage while those big-time company could only offer some apology!
In the mean time, all flyover constructors in the country are urged to come up with a song to ensure their projects do not "fall down" during and after construction!
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