Finally Something That Make Sense...
Kegagalan mencapai matlamat 30 peratus penyertaan orang Melayu dalam bidang ekonomi bukan kerana kegagalan Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) tetapi kerana perbuatan mereka yang diberi amanah tetapi lebih mementing keuntungan jangka pendek, kata Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Menurutnya, mereka tidak menggunakan peluang dan amanah tersebut untuk meningkatkan pencapaian orang Melayu dalam bidang ekonomi, tetapi sebalik mereka menyalahgunakannya kerana mahu cepat untung.
Setelah itu mereka meminta peluang baru bagi kali kedua, ketiga, keempat dan seterusnya
Read full speech in English or BM.
First of all, I am glad that Pak Lah finally dropped the curtain on the issue but I guess everyone has known this all along. How else can some Malay driving big foreign cars while some are even deprived of basic needs such as water and electricity.Come to think of it, we understand there are various levels in any society. Some are rich and famous, some are middle-class workers and some may still be in hardcore poverty. The amount of currency in a country is limited. When someone gained a share, others have to give. However, we are damn tired of those very people who are on the receiving end of the deal always come out to shout for more and hiding behind those who are getting the raw end of the deal.
Among the 3.4 million UMNO members (so they claimed), I guess maybe only at max 10% of them are rich and famous. The other 90% are just mere assets for the top 10% to make use off once every year so that they can continue riding on them to ask for more "candies", so to speak. How else do you think those who lead them in shouting for more assistance every year are very well dressed, driving big cars and living in big mansions?
Maybe you can say this is a survival of the fittest, however, how long do you think this be allowed to go on? Most UMNO members (who may not even aware that their name are on the list) living outside the urban area have no clue that they are being taken for a ride by their so-called leaders. Although they are given great discounts at buying reserved properties in the urban areas, why are they still reluctant to take up the offer? Why are they still reluctant to move out of their home base like Kampung Baru or Segambut Dalam, which are more or less the only area left undeveloped in the whole of KL?
The UMNO Youth can shout all they want every year, create new demands every year, create new slogans every year, make a new keris every year. Do you think it will change anything? The poor will still remain poor, while the rich will continue to capitalize on the poor so that they can get more. This is the reality that the Malays will have to face, this is the reason why NEP has failed after almost half a century of implementation. (Maybe this can go down the Malaysia Book of Record as the biggest failure of all!)
Economy pie is not something that you can allocate or give out to anyone you like. It has to be earned through honest means and hard work. Whatever you earn belongs to yourself (and maybe your off springs or any name that appear in your will). So please don't drag the whole race or even the whole country down the drain with you just because you failed in your business venture. If you are smart enough to take advantage on government assistance, you should be smart enough to know that such hand-outs are not forever. (and maybe your big name will be published in the front-page of every major newspaper)
Everyone has to help themselves before any help is being forwarded to them. Giving a electric-powered wheel chair to a person who is walking on a crutch will only paralyze the person forever!
Wake up Melayu!
Bangun lah Melayu!
dan Buka Mata lah Melayu!
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