NegaraKu Slows Down Again??
As the header goes "Negaraku marches with the times", The Sun informed all Malaysians that the cabinet has approved to change the tempo of our national anthem once again. Apparently, they decided to slow it down... last year!
Did you know about this??
I am in a total disbelieve when I read about this. The previous excuse to change the tempo back in 1992 was to make it into more of a marching style instead of the slow and sleepy style. Our so-called Information Minister, Abdul Kadir even admits that most Malaysians are still unaware of this. According to him, the "current" tempo was first heard by the public during the 2003 National Day celebrations.
Our Information Minister must be doing one hell of a bad job. It's already after one year since the change of tempo, and everyone (including me and people I know) still do not know about it. I wonder which version is being played when our sports teams win at international tournaments? I wonder if Nicole David knew about this..
Furthermore, what is the reason for the change of tempo this time? Is it like what The Sun has for header "marches with time"? Is this how the government is telling everyone that the economy has slow down? What about the rising inflation rate? Do we need to raise the pitch of some notes in our national anthem to accomodate that?
What a joke!!
Did you know about this??
I am in a total disbelieve when I read about this. The previous excuse to change the tempo back in 1992 was to make it into more of a marching style instead of the slow and sleepy style. Our so-called Information Minister, Abdul Kadir even admits that most Malaysians are still unaware of this. According to him, the "current" tempo was first heard by the public during the 2003 National Day celebrations.
Our Information Minister must be doing one hell of a bad job. It's already after one year since the change of tempo, and everyone (including me and people I know) still do not know about it. I wonder which version is being played when our sports teams win at international tournaments? I wonder if Nicole David knew about this..
Furthermore, what is the reason for the change of tempo this time? Is it like what The Sun has for header "marches with time"? Is this how the government is telling everyone that the economy has slow down? What about the rising inflation rate? Do we need to raise the pitch of some notes in our national anthem to accomodate that?
What a joke!!
13 Typical Response:
I am surprise that goament no ask we rakyat to SMS to vote which version we like. Like dat gaoment can make millions and no one can complain also ;-)
Lin Peh, at Sunday, November 20, 2005 1:40:00 PM
First of all, are we (the non-malays, that is) really to believe that the government will abolish or tone down the New Economic Policy in the near future? We must be realistic, if you have the right to buy a property at a discount and have scholarships for your children, would you let go of these rights?
With Chinese population dwindling in Malaysia, what needs to be done depends on the Chinese themselves.
There is nothing wrong with the brain drain. In fact, we should encourage our children to move to Singapore, Taiwan, China etc. if we disagree with Malaysian government policies that are based on race and religion.
When it comes to the matter of the dwindling number of Chinese Malaysians, we should talk about quality, not quantity.
We should resolve why the Chinese-Malaysian population is reducing. Official figures have more than one million Chinese Malaysians emigrating over the past 25 years. Why did they emigrate? I am sure the government knows.
Straight A students can't get scholarships or university places. Nothing new, it is been that way for the past 35 years. Nowadays, even enlightened malay Malaysians are speaking up on this injustice. The MCA and Gerakan? Busy making money from private colleges.
What is so great about having TAR College or Utar which took more than 35 years of begging? Why should it be so difficult to set up an independent university when we have scores of public ones?
While we push young talented people away, other countries notably Singapore, the US and Australia welcome them with open arms.
Is it logical that we drive away our young talented ones and then invite retired Mat Sallehs to live here and exploit our low-cost of living?
Singapore's success in particular owes much to these ex-Malaysians or their descendants including Hon Sui Sen, Goh Keng Swee, Goh Chok Tong, just to name a few.
About 30 percent of top management in both Singapore's government and corporate sector are ex-Malaysians. We export them so that Singapore can compete with, and then whack us.
Korea and Taiwan, both way behind us in the 70s and 80s are now way ahead. Thailand is breathing down our necks.
Sadly, there is just no integrity in the nation's leadership.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 25, 2005 12:14:00 PM
The non-malays have heard this one before - If you think that Malaysia not good, please go out this country.
Umno has been brought up to think they are the prince of the land.
Every time they get cornered, Umno will tell the other race to go out where they belong. I think Umno must change their thinking or they will pull down the country to the middle age.
So far there is no Umno leader that can lead them to be modern 21st century citizens.
Rather Umno is anti this or anti that. There is no forward looking and thinking to break free perspective.
Malaysia developed nation on year 2020?
The problem with Malaysia ministers is that they are mostly underachievers academically!
That is the reason why they simply speak without logic and reasons. This is also the very reason that I admire Lim Kit Siang, Karpal, etc, who can debate intelligently with those monkeys who never bother to understand what is uttered.
Just compare the resume of Malaysia ministers with that from our southern neighbour! Then you will understand.
I know their prime minister has a first class honors in science from Cambridge if I am not mistaken. The rest of his cabinets are very highly qualified. Hence you don't hear nonsense from them.
For your information, some Malaysia ministers would not be at all qualified for even an assistant post!
Our country leaders, not necessary meaning the prime minister, but overall people in power, people of authority etc, have no integrity, no moral, no self respect and most of no accountability and responsibility.
Let's not compare with other countries, as no countries have perfect leaders, but what they have is integrity.
When they do something wrong and they know it is wrong, nobody need to tell them to resign, they won't say our Malaysia usual line "Nobody can resign me except the prime minister" - we should call this the ball-less line.
If you have integrity and honest enough, you should just resign.
This is why Malaysia is moving backward. With this kind of ministers who are not willing to tackle the root of the issue, but instead blaming others for exposing bad news and sweeping things under the carpet - what hope can you foresee for Malaysia in the future.
Perhaps we should have "Look Africa" policy, rather than "Look East" policy - since a lot of things are similar between Malaysia and African countries except oil.
Singapore has shown us that if the government plan properly and harness all the human talents and resources, a small country without much natural resources can be better than a big country with lots of natural resources.
We all started equal, RM1 = S$1, but see what happen now.
MSA = MAS and SIA. See the difference?
If we continue to ignore human talents and resources, by year 2020, the two countries will be even further apart!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:33:00 AM
The 12 realities -
1. On paper, citizenship is secure - in reality, they say if you don't like it here, you can go away
2. On paper, we solve inter-community issues by win-win consultation - in reality, issues are silenced by subtle threats of unrest made on grounds of the supremacy, of one community's master and their unquestionable agenda
3. On paper, Malaysia can be great - in reality, 'Malaysia Boleh' remains just a word, an empty cry, devoid of any spirit and life to ensure the nation's survival
4. On paper, we have the meritocracy system - in reality, quota system is still running
5. On paper, we are a multiracial country, - in reality, we have one community which is more equal than other communities
6. On paper, we have the national agenda - in reality, it is the malay agenda
7. On paper, even the NEP is good - in reality, it sucks
8. On paper, Pak Lah is fighting corruption - in reality, no Umno member is standing together with him
9. On paper, we have parliamentarians - in reality, we have a zoo, and only a few are ministers, the majority being exhibited specimens
10. On paper, we are a peaceful country - in reality, the absence of conflict is superficial, very fragile
11. On paper, we have a police force to look after our security - in reality, we need some protection from the police
12. On paper, we had the report, findings and 125 recommendations of the Royal Commission on the Police - in reality, we have just a book, no act upon
Anonymous, at Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:34:00 AM
The shameful incident of Chinese detainee being asked to ear squats in the nude is just the tip of the iceberg.
When the former IGP inflicted the infamous black eye on Anwar, he knew at that time that his political master would protect him. Until the international press highlighted it.
When the police harassed the Indian IT expatriates, the Indian government retaliated. When the mistreated Chinese tourists protested, the Chinese government backed them up.
All in all, Malaysia only backtracked when a Big Brother country came into the picture.
What happens to the thousands of Bangladeshis, Indonesians, Thais, etc who are harassed daily? Nobody bothered. Why? Because there would be no political or economic fallout.
The root cause of police brutality is simply explained by famous words, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Added to this dilemma, Malaysia has not seen a change of government since independence in 1957.
This country has been and continues to head in the wrong direction, setting it further back from developed countries and undoing the good work of others in the last four decades.
I propose a national independent commission to investigate and publicly report on the alleged widespread abuse and corruption in the police force. The police should not be allowed to investigate itself. This idea seems simply ridiculous.
The lack of any sense of discernment and the shameless politicisation of the issue is a bigger shame and even more incorrigible than the abuse itself!
Abuses of police power are just the symptoms of a sick government elected by an equally sick society. We need the cure. Change must be holistic and in a total package.
Ideally, we need a change of government with a two-party system.
Unfortunately, many don't trust PAS with its Taliban leanings. It appears strategic that Anwar should lead a moderate coalition comprising Keadilan and DAP as the pillars that will include parties representing the minorities.
Undoubtedly this will be difficult to achieve but it needs to start now.
There is no more room for such nonsense for this country is collapsing under the burgeoning weight of all these fat and waste.
Let us improve in every aspect to build our Malaysia Boleh tag - which will not be fulfilled in the next hundred years if we continue like this.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:36:00 AM
For those who are already in oversea and live comfortably. There is no reason for you to come back to Malaysia. Life in Malaysia is getting tougher each day.
Frankly, as a Chinese, I don't see there is any future for our next generation.
Another dangerous mentor that people always use is JFK "Don't ask what the country can do for you, ask what you can do for the country".
Is sound nice, but isn't how German Nazi and Japan militarism started the world war using the same mentor? Under the great "ask what you can do for the country".
Patriotism? Yes, I understand how you feel. Your love for the country was spoilt by the political party. Since non-malays will always be a second-class citizen, so you are probably the same in any other countries, if not better.
You get cannibalised by your own countrymen, intellectually and professionally.
As someone else advised, be a Global citizen.
Patriotism does not need you to be in Malaysia to work your due. Let no one pointed at you and say you are a traitor if your true intention is to generate good deeds for Malaysia wherever you are.
Save your time about coming back to Malaysia. Nothing will change in Malaysia. At least not even in this lifetime. Racism will still be here to stay, and also everything else.
I think there is such an entrenched discrimination against the Chinese and Indians in Malaysia, that it will take probably a whole generation to undo the damage.
This is happening in whole spectrum of the Malaysian government, civil service, state governments and universities. Just look at percentage of malays in all these government bodies - 98%……….
A whole generation of malays has been brought up to think that it's their inherited right to own Malaysia. The other races are damned.
I think the malays especially those in power, are scared right now that if they will to compete openly with other races, they will surely be the loser. You will see very strong resistance to hire other races even the most qualified.
The malays are never brought up to compete on even ground. This is fault of previous PM and now the present PM has to tread a balance ground to ensure the malays are not cast away as well as to make Malaysia competitive worldwide.
In US I never met a malay immigrant, although there are thousands of Malaysian Chinese and Indian immigrants. Why? Malays in Malaysia have an easier life where they are literately prince of the land.
We have infrastructure good enough to be considered first world or better. Look at the Cyberjaya, Petronas Twin Towers, Putrajaya?
Gleaming high-rise buildings but also in every city, dirty toilets abound, litter clogging up the drains, public telephones damaged, plus unreliable rubbish collection and disposal. We just treat public facilities badly, not caring about others.
Being an urban dweller myself, I am constantly disheartened by the poor public infrastructure and upkeep in our capital city.
Faulty pedestrian traffic signals, illogical positioning of bus stops, poor public cleanliness, poor quality sidewalks (which are paved using slippery tiles), un-integrated and poorly managed public transportation system, the list goes on.
Your children can't even walk safely along the Kuala Lumpur streets, as they might be bags snatched, kidnapped, murdered, raped, or robbed, as they do not know the jungle laws of Malaysia. The police won't help much as they now have a big pile of corruption cases running after them.
You owe nothing to Malaysia, you pay your due, so live on.
So, my last advice. Don't come back unless you are really suffering in oversea.
I'm sorry this sounds very racist but I think we have to be honest in discussion.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:38:00 AM
Well it just appeared on the google page when I searched for racism subject this afternoon.
I have been in New Zealand for 15 years and I have no intention to go back to Malaysia simply because there is an equal opportunity here for everyone, and I don't feel less ranked in the society.
I am not sure if I am part of the cream but I do have both bachelor and master degrees, and I am currently serving the New Zealand community.
I love the place I was brought up in (Sungai Petani) and the memory I had when I was attending primary and secondary schools, but the way the Chinese and Indian people are treated by the Malaysia government is just flawed.
I have no intention to go back, until I see a non-malay PM.
Way to go!
Let's celebrate the human spirit that strives against the odds!
Persistence definitely bears fruits! And certainly they are sustainable and cherish-able!
Universal truths!
One got to be prepared to look for challenges, in any areas of your interest, beyond the shores of Malaysia.
Malaysia's economy is very small and unsophisticated.
Australia's economy is bigger than all of the South East Asia countries combined.
Imagine USA and Europe!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:43:00 AM
Migration and emigration of human beings is a pre-requisite of human progress and development. Without migration, human beings would be doomed to an existence worse than that of animals. Even animals migrate to seek a better habitat.
Patriotism is not a one-way thing, it is a two-way commitment. If one finds that one's patriotism and loyalty is not reciprocated as having to live with a corrupt government, discriminatory policies, inhumane and repressive laws etc., one has a right to review one's patriotism and commitment if one so chooses.
Why would people stay if their talents are not recognised in their own country and they do not have the opportunities to develop their potential? Why remain when they can have these opportunities in another country?
Indeed, it is very fortunate that we all live in this day and age of globalisation where we are free to live and work anywhere in the world as long as we have the skills and talent.
There is much less reason now to put up with bad governments, or corrupt, oppressive regimes and racist, anywhere in the world.
Of course the grass is never greener on the other side. You still need the same energy, enterprise and sometimes luck to make it. But there is no doubt in my mind and in those who have worked here and overseas - the playing field is more level abroad.
Whilst, I may add that most lower middle-class Malaysian citizens and professionals are the main bulk of immigrants to countries abroad. They need to get settled first and have a few contacts to start life anew.
To expect them to be millionaires in businesses will take a generation or more and we are beginning to see that now. If they had not emigrated, they would have been hard pressed to send their children abroad and everybody knows the quota system for universities, jobs, job promotions and opportunities back home.
In Canada, we experience the best there is in life. Every citizen has equal rights. They have done well in every aspect of life.
In the US, anyone whether black, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Mexican, etc has the right to run for president. There are no restrictions, one only needs to secure the votes.
Nobody should operate under the assumption that migration is a bed of sweet, smelling roses. Roses have thorns.
Certainly, migration is not a dirty word. In fact, migration is the reason for this multiethnic paradise I call home today. The question is, can Malaysia retain her talents?
We are simply losing good people to the more developed countries, and this problem is also faced by other countries such as India and China.
Singapore has been absorbing our talents regardless of the medium of instruction they have been taught in. Perhaps the biggest slap on our face is the fact that thousands and thousands of Malaysians have been recruited to bloom in the Lion City's workforce, while our own industry leaders have done nothing to help the government keep these investments from going abroad.
Many people leave the country for a variety of reasons. Some leave for economic reasons, some for better education, some over concerns for the climate of democracy in their home country. There is no reason to deride any migrant for their choices in life. Every human being is entitled to the right of social, physical and geographical mobility - you seek your place on earth and call it home.
So leave if you must, go while you can, but don't give up on the march.
That is a worthy sacrifice that requires courage.
Congratulations to those who have found a better future in life.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, December 20, 2005 11:14:00 AM
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Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 14, 2012 10:18:00 PM
Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life.
Anonymous, at Thursday, January 24, 2013 5:25:00 PM
Learning is a bitter root, but it bears sweet fruit.
Anonymous, at Thursday, January 24, 2013 11:49:00 PM
Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.
Anonymous, at Friday, January 25, 2013 5:14:00 AM
The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.
Anonymous, at Friday, January 25, 2013 10:29:00 AM
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