A Typical Malaysian

Saturday, June 25, 2005

ISA for Mamak Stall Owners?

I was reading on international news on CNN and BBC when I came across the one and only article that is related to our country.

Guess what?

Malaysian MP Mohamad Said Yusof accused mamak restaurants of serving food that is laced with opium poppy seeds!! He believe frequent mamak stall patrons have become addicted to the food.

BBC also pointed that the MP stopped short of demanding that offending restaurant to face the book through the use of the infamous ISA law.

As I quote (Read the full article here):
  • "Most saw it as a patriotic if eccentric gesture"
  • "That is normally the first cry of any government supporter who spots even the smallest potential threat to national security."
  • "The controversial law allows suspects to be locked away indefinitely without charge or trial. And in Malaysia, most would agree that few things threaten the country's well-being as much as tampering with its favourite food"

I also noticed that the last article related to our country was title "Malaysians plan Asian space food".

So I guess this is the international recognition that our country received after 4 decades of nation building...

What say you? (This is a tough question addressed to our so-called leaders)

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